

Avoiding the cheesiness overload this year? We got you…

Let’s be honest: sometimes the holidays can feel like a never-ending Sunday evening for those facing singledom during peak cuffing season. Or, at least, in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the below-zero temperatures, matching sweaters, and all the comments from relatives asking, “Where’s your +1 for Christmas dinner?” for me. Don’t get me wrong, I do love love. But after a year of failed dates, countless swipes, and a handful of traumatic situationships, the last thing I want as I get ready to kick-start a new year is to face the cheesiness overload of Christmas rom-coms and the intrusive thoughts that comes with it. Yes, I’m speaking Love, Actually.

From classic comedies such as Home Alone and Elf, to romance-infused (in a tolerable way!) Four Christmases and Last Holiday, and animated bits, here’s my personal list of the best movies to watch during the holiday break, for those who still believe in love but don’t want to be reminded of how hard it is to find your own Hugh Grant. Call me a dating Grinch — I don’t care. Keep scrolling…

1. Bridget Jones Diary

2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

3. The Muppet Christmas Carol

4. Four Christmases

5. A Charlie Brown Christmas

6. Last Holiday

7. Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone

8. Little Women

9. Elf

10. Home Alone

Sofia Ferreira