

The rising popstar’s new EP takes us through a complex journey of the pains of rumination and the freedom of self-empowerment.

Written during her first year of sobriety, Ella Collier’s new EP is an emotional rollercoaster full of hurt, vulnerability, strength, and empowerment. Titled “SECOND ARROW”, it embodies the mind of an over-thinker, drawing attention to the suffering caused by ruminating on a negative physical or emotional event. While the first arrow is the initial experience, the second cuts slower and deeper, taking over your mind day by day.

Addressing this phenomenon and creating empowering anthems to face these struggles, Collier provides comfort and solace to the listeners who can relate to every word she sings. The EP is a fusion of EDM, hip-hop, R&B, and pop, with intense vulnerability and hyper-produced sonics that create a dynamic and complex soundscape.

The EP begins with “UPGRADE”, a freeing revolt against transactional relationships, before jumping into the infectious “MY BAD”, fun “LIKE A LADY”, and fan-favourite “I THINK I MIGHT”. Moving into the title track, Collier reminds us that we play a part in our own self destruction, discussing the damage our own minds do to ourselves by over-analysing past events. As we get to the end of the EP, we’re greeted by “HOLD PLEASE”, a call to leave unhealthy versions of yourself behind. From start to finish, “SECOND ARROW” is a cohesive yet expansive body of work that has us pressing replay.