

The emerging indie-trap crossover releases his sterling new effort, the latest indication of his talent.

The London-born, emerging talent ION, offers a refreshing new approach to a winning formula already immersed in the sound to the scene. His music seeks to explore creative themes, combining the tendencies of indie and trap, uniquely blending witty lyricism and dreamy soundscapes that from the ground up are built to be sonically cohesive.

The forward-thinking artist has returned to the scene with another stellar release in the form of “Xeno”. The new offering is relaxed but reaching, as ION reaches new artistic heights on his second effort of the year. Crossing the boundaries of rap and indie, it’s an encompassing and entertainment track that flaunts ION’s diverse sonic approach and lyrical prowess.

On the new release, the talent comments, “I use the word ‘Xeno’ in this song as a metaphorical expression for our individual quirks. We each have our own ‘out of this world’ ways of perceiving, behaving, and living. And whilst people may question (as I sometimes do) whether the way they are is normal or not, I believe that everyone should be proud of their peculiarities because they are YOUR ways of doing! They make YOU who YOU are and there is no right or wrong in that! ‘Xeno’ thus elaborates on this sentiment, where I talk about my own gradual acceptance with my ways.”