

November is here, and the iconic tequila brand celebrates its Mexican roots this Día de Muertos.

Sipped as a leisurely margarita, or a refreshing Paloma – there’s hardly an occasion that doesn’t call for Patrón tequila. And, with the arrival of Día de Muertos (also known as the Day of the Dead), there’s even more to celebrate with the help of the beloved tequila brand! While us westerners tend to have a more morose attitude towards mortality, this ancient Aztec festival serves as a reminder that life and death are one and the same; that calls for celebration.

As the sky gets darker, the night is illuminated by a sea of candles which are said to guide ancestors back home. Día de Muertos festivities are always bursting with colours, flavours, and sights; this ‘memento mori’ rallies celebrants to enjoy life’s pleasures in all forms – including Patrón Tequila. In Mexico City, participants take to the streets for a magnificent parade – ‘El Gran Desfile’ – which is filled to the brim with sugar skulls, moving altars, floats, and performers.

There are oodles of spirited symbols that are central to the Day of the Dead. Take the Monarch butterfly – in Aztec symbolism, this fluttering creature is said to be the noble bearer of souls. There’s also the marigold flower. Often taking the form of either paper-cut decorations, or real fresh marigolds – this flower is integral to Día de Muertos festivities. Much like light, the marigold’s vibrant colour and powerful scent are said to aid the deceased on their journey back to Earth. Marigolds aren’t used merely for decoration, as they can also be incorporated into cocktails such as the refreshing ‘Paloma Roja’, which unifies Patrón tequila with this symbolic holiday.

If you’d like to imbue yourself with the same ‘joie de vivre’ that Día de Muertos stands for, why not try your hand at making a Paloma Roja? Following the spirit of Día de Muertos, celebrate the gift of life with Patrón Tequila.

Head below to get a taste of Patrón’s festive cocktail recipe…

Patrón Silver
2 oz
Grapefruit juice
2.5 oz
Fresh lemon juice
0.5 oz
St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur
0.5 oz
Hibiscus syrup
0.5 oz
Salt & dried hibiscus rim
Orange zest for garnish