

Introducing the art pop collective with their uplifting debut album Whatever It Is.

Art pop collective Hello Forever
Art pop collective Hello Forever

In what feels like a tumultuous time when it can even be a bit of a bummer to look at the news headlines, one band are channelling enough good vibes to see you all the way through until the sun decides to start shining again.

Art pop collective Hello Forever have been making waves with their infectious feel-good pop tracks: packed to the rafters with joyous melodies, introspective lyrics, and sun-drenched psychedelic hues.

With their debut album, Whatever It Is – a collection of love songs about connection – out today, we caught up with the band on their influences and their debut album Whatever It Is.

Art pop collective Hello Forever yellow
Art pop collective Hello Forever yellow

When did you first realise you wanted to make music?
It’s kind of always been a thing. I’ve been singing, dancing, and listening to music since forever.

Who did you listen to growing up?
All kinds of classic pop music: The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Aretha Franklin.

How would you describe your genre?
That’s a good question. I feel like we’re making contemporary, psychedelic pop music, inspired by a lot of music we love from the 60s, and all the music throughout history that we’ve had access to through the internet.

What inspires your music?
Everything. The music itself, the people around us and the people we love, the sky, ancient history, the universe and the way we feel.

Where did the name Hello Forever come from?
It was just kind of a feeling. It’s about wanting to stay connected to people on an eternal level. It’s also about letting go of everything and greeting that eternity on the other side.

How was it putting out your debut album?
Cathartic. It’s a celebration and a mystery. This is the first record we’ve ever put out and it’s our distinct joy to share music with others.

Do you have a favourite track?
You can’t pick a favourite child. We love them all and love playing the songs live. We’re actually pretty deep in the next couple of albums right now, so our art has changed already and there are some songs that still feel more relevant than others. We’ve tried really hard to let go of any judgements that come out of us. A favourite implies that there are those we like less. We just want to let it be and be grateful for the process. “Get It Right” is pretty chill though.

What’s the best feedback you’ve ever had on your music?
We just love hearing from people all over the world who have been hearing our music and enjoying the experience. The support we’ve already received from the small amount of music we’ve put out is really flattering and we’re stoked. Mozart slid into our DMs the other day and told us we were his favourite band.

What’s coming up next for you?
We’re well into recording our next couple of albums and writing more songs. The only reason we’re doing this whole thing is to keep writing music which is what we’re most excited about. Also we’re gonna be touring and playing festivals this year which is rad. We’re excited to be playing music for people. Also vegetables and fresh fruit.  

Whatever It Is is out today.