

The swimwear brand is on a mission dedicated to women.

Swimwear company VerdeLimon has shared its latest collection, with a range of looks dedicated to the dreamers and creators of the world.

Going beyond the fashion, the brand is committed to empowering women, especially single mothers and breadwinners in indigenous or impoverished communities in Colombia, by providing them with regular work and an equitable pay scale. “They are the heart of our operation,” the brand explain, “piecing together sustainably sourced and internationally inspired swimwear. This opportunity for women to engage in a stable work environment, strengthens the family and community as a whole, creating unforeseen positive benefits for generations to come.”

VerdeLimon’s decision to source sustainably and produce within Colombia, sees them join the effort to strengthen the local fashion industry internally with thoughtful and effective approach. Their aim? To start a conversation in regards to sustainability and empowerment, offering swimwear with soul and encouraging women to embrace their strength and personal style.

And on offer this season? Cute two-pieces and swimsuits in kitsch prints (at the top of our basket is the flamingo), but the winner is in the subtle detailing. A ruffle here, a cross-over strap, halter-neck, or side bow there. We’ll take one in every style, please.