
Lens On: Anne Collier

Women With Cameras (Anonymous) places ladies up front.

All too accustomed with women sitting pretty in front of the camera, New York-based photographer Anne Collier has put women firmly behind the lens once again with a new book titled Women with Cameras (Anonymous), the physical follow up to her 2014 commission from Studio Voltaire, Women with Cameras.

Ahead of backdrops such as the beach and lush greenery, on strike and at dinner parties, the images presented here portray women in an uncontrived state, away from the artistic traditions of the male gaze. With a camera held firmly in their hands, each woman photographed is shown to be the artist as well as the muse.

Critiquing the culture of women as the object in popular culture while simultaneously exploring the sexual politics of photography, Women with Cameras (Anonymous) reads as a highly empowering tool. A collection of found imagery as the title suggests, the photographs exhibit Collier’s preoccupation with media, culture and technology throughout the tail end of the 20th century going into the 21st: amongst those featured in the book are disposable cameras, polaroids and mirror selfies.

Collier’s own background has long influenced her photography: born in LA in 1970, her work often evokes vintage Americana. Likewise apparent as an area of interest here, The New Yorker writer and critic Hilton Als offers the vibe as a “soft-core porn feeling” in the book’s closing text.