
The Neon Demon Trailer

Check out the first teaser trailer for Nicolas Winding Refn’s latest release.

Nicolas Winding Refn, the man behind Gosling classics Drive and Only God Forgives, is back with another no doubt moodily lit film in the shape of devilishly stylish horror flick The Neon Demon. Starring Elle Fanning, Keanu Reeves, Christina Hendricks, and queen of our Horror Issue, Jena Malone, the movie follows an aspiring model who moves to LA only to find her youth and vitality devoured by a group of beauty obsessed women. Sounds right up our street then. Check out the teaser trailer and get ready for a summer release – it’ll be a good one.

Jena Malone, taken from The Horror Issue

Jena Malone, taken from The Horror Issue