

Wonderland premiere’s the electronic and trippy new sound “Figurine” from Baby Blood.

Otherworldly songwriter and producer Baby Blood from Denmark is the alter ego of Lucy Love, who we know and, love (lol), from hitting it big time with support from all the industry’s tastemakers. Lucy takes this whole alter ego thing very seriously though, and likes to perform masked dressed as a superhero, which we’re totally into.

Visually, it’s clear that the alter ego of Baby Blood is one that plays with gender identity, and remarkably this also manages to translate into the music. “Figurine” is Baby Blood’s first single, and is complete with slow beats, synth overtones and distorted vocals. The whole thing is anthemic and reminiscent of nights spent staying up far too late in the cool summer air. Needless to say “Figurine” couldn’t be any more delicious if it tried. Enjoy.

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“Figurine” will be released 27th November via The Big Oil Recording Company.

Words India Opie Meres