

We chat the EverydayLife campaign with O.X.S.’s Brand Manager, Diego Fioranelli.

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All clothing by GUGLIELMO CAPONE and shoes by O.X.S.

Over 20 years old but still on trend, O.X.S. was born in 1991 with the now iconic Frank boot. Made for everyone, the footwear brand have captured this ethos in their street-style centric Everyday life campaign. Trekking across Europe and the U.S.’s major cities from season to season, O.X.S. have documented their customers across the world. Starting in London for AW12 and reaching Amsterdam in their latest adventure for AW16, O.X.S. reach is global. We spoke to Brand Manager Diego Fioranelli about the latest movement in the campaign.

O.X.S. interprets a timeless classic style, could you tell us what is the key to be always in fashion while other trends come and go?

O.X.S. has managed to “suit” more than a generation thanks to the strong personality connected, on one hand, to a recognisable design and, on the other hand, to the fact that it has always been able to update interpreting seasonal changes and trends, but without forgetting its identity and mission. Surely this feature makes it unique over time, conveying something real, and turning it into a real evergreen.

Many young people wear “basic” models like the FRANK BOOT, what do you think makes them so attractive?

I think that our work is a work of sensitivity, responsibility and research. For us it is important to suggest alternative, but contemporary, products, therefore current. Let’s talk about footwear that have become a cult for men’s and women’s wear, must have items for those who wear casual sporty clothes and want to feel “original”. This, coupled with our strong communication strategy, gives us the right visibility to be chosen by the end user.   

Let’s talk about the EVERYDAYLIFE campaign. Tell us how this project was born?

The Everydaylife project is the new brand communication concept, the focus is the search for “pieces” of humanity around the world … humanity according to O.X.S. that includes all those who, of course, have elective affinities with the brand and travel on our same frequencies, proving they appreciate the products and choosing to become, almost unwarily, ambassadors of the brand, representing it in its ideal habitat, real life.

A rather intense journey that O.X.S. documents through photos and videos on the Internet.

The EVERYDAYLIFE campaign displays a wide range of people. How would you define your customer?

The O.X.S. client is surely that client who, in addition to the product itself, understands that the brand is a lifestyle, almost a vision of life and is suitable for all situations, considering the wide range of models that are available. They are all those people with a natural aptitude for art, music, travel and everything connected to contemporaneity.         

Street style has a very strong impact. Do you draw inspiration from the streets, the runways, or maybe both?

Mainly from the street, from cities like Milan, that is one of the major fashion centres of Europe. Milan inspires me because it is in continuous development; it is a city projected into the world and sometimes it does not even seem like being in Italy. Creativity is everywhere; you can breathe it in everything from small clubs in Brera to the Palazzo Reale, where interesting exhibitions are always on show.                 

What have you found in Amsterdam that is more challenging compared to other cities?

Surely, Amsterdam is a very lively city, full of young and interesting people. The colour of the flowers and of the city in general, is something that left me speechless, even if it was not my first visit to the Dutch capital. People are very “friendly”, and when it is sunny, you can notice a special light that does not exist in any other city.

What other places provide a constant source of inspiration for O.X.S.?

The main inspiration comes from journeys and then reading is surely interesting and surfing the internet looking for information.

Photographer: Thurstan Redding

Fashion: Sam Carder

Makeup: Nicola Moores-Brittin using M.A.C Cosmetics

Hair: Tomoyo Sakai using BUMBLE & BUMBLE

Photographer’s Assistants: Gwenaelle Trannoy, Clara Giarminardi and Ella Jackson

Fashion Assistant: Chris McParlan

Model: Olivia @ The Hive Management