

Vivienne Westwood provided food for thought with the spectacle we expected from one of our national treasures.

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God Save the Queen (Viv)

Our Lady of British Fashion, Vivienne Westwood didn’t disappoint with SS16’s show being the usual spectacle as well as some headline worthy pre-show antics. This week Westwood rode up to David Cameron’s house in a tank to protest against the Prime Minister’s fracking plans. 74 and showing no signs of slowing up, Viv is an idol for us all to admire and the collection was as politically charged as we could have hoped for.

Frack Off

Westwood led the chicest demonstration we’ve seen in years (rather more tasteful than Chanel’s – sorry Karl) with war paint for make up and an ode to nature in floral motifs, the hippy vibes were pulsing strong up with her punk heart. Harking back to older days, there were flowing skirts, draped apron tops and loose shapes, all traditional, homely and fiercely interpreted in Westwood’s own style. “We’ve got to keep saying that politicians are criminal,” she wrote in her show notes. Seeing Westwood’s collection was enough to fill you with a sense of patriotic pride to protect our country from parliament’s plans.

If it ain’t broke

Amongst the show’s theme, there was Westwood’s signature styles, drapes, sketches, asymmetric everything, all feeding into her message. Westwood’s plans appear to be making her morals bigger than herself but it’s seemingly impossible to separate the designer from the dream.

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