

It’s a hard knock life for DSquared2’s bad boys in distressed denim and quilted orange boilersuit inspired outerwear.

DSquared2MENSWEAR Fall Winter 2014_15 Milan Fashion Week January 2014

It didn’t take long to figure out Dan and Dean Caten’s inspiration for Fall 2014. With police sirens and dogs barking, two ‘nurses’ in mint green drag an inmate in a straight jacket down the grey cement runway to his cell, prompting the doors of another to open releasing Dsquared2’s unruly bad boys.

DSquared2MENSWEAR Fall Winter 2014_15 Milan Fashion Week January 2014

The boys stormed down the runway, scowling to a soundtrack of Insane In The Brain and Eminem merged with a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, wearing oversized silhouettes in intense prison orange and destroyed denim. Obviously inspired by prisons and mental institutions but not only the outfits of the inmates but also of those who patronise them; prison guards, doctors, psychoanalysts and lawyers. Some wore smart double breasted coats with white button up shirts and pullovers, but the bad boy attitude was still present.

DSquared2MENSWEAR Fall Winter 2014_15 Milan Fashion Week January 2014

Denim jeans are loose, bleached, ripped and destroyed, jackets have brown leather belts holding them together at the back like straight jackets and hoodies and shirts are printed with motifs such as “Caten’s Penitentiary” all ironically accessorised with thick rimmed glasses (like that of psychoanalysts) and structured briefcases and doctor bags.
Half way through, the models posing in the jailhouse began to strip down to pump iron and practice their push-ups, it was undoubtedly about being tough and masculinity. You can’t say Dan and Dean don’t know how to throw a good show. It’s a hard knock life.

DSquared2MENSWEAR Fall Winter 2014_15 Milan Fashion Week January 2014