
Brand Buzz: Selfridges and Hood By Air for London Collections: Men

Selfridges combines the street of Hood By Air with British tradition for London Collections: Mens.

Shayne Oliver - Hood By Air Brand Buzz
Shayne Oliver - Hood By Air Brand Buzz

From the streets to the cricket pitch, Selfridges understands the importance of luxury style for the guys and girls of merry ol’ England. So for the sophomore run of London Collections: Men, Selfridges is launching a one-of-a-kind presentation for streetwear label Hood By Air in conjunction with a showcase of the capsule collection, Corgi.

Luxury streetwear label Hood By Air has already accrued quite the fashion-fanatical bad boy fan base, including Kanye West and A$AP Rocky, the bling-encrusted friend of Hood By Air creator, Shayne Oliver. It then comes as no surprise that the label’s UK launch, exclusively with the menswear ingĂ©nues of Selfridges, occurs on the cusp of London London Collections: Men.

The urban chic department store will host an urban chic skater-themed presentation in the car park, hosted by Shayne Oliver himself, previewing the Hood By Air SS14 collection and the new Men’s Contemporary line. However, it wouldn’t be Selfridges without a bit of pomp and traditional British circumstance.

In addition to the Hood By Air launch, this badass showcase will also host as the platform for Selfridges’ capsule collection of heritage knitwear brand, Corgi, combining youthful rebellion and luxurious tradition to create something uniquely British and always Selfridges.

The Selfridges Hood By Air and Corgi presentation for London Collections launches 16th June, followed by a private party with New York DJ duo Ghe20 Goth1k.

The Selfridges Hood By Air and Corgi presentation for London Collections launches 16th June, followed by a private party with New York DJ duo Ghe20 Goth1k.
Elise Marraro