

Brand Buzz gives adventure buffs a stylish twist with the Carrera foldable helmet and paired Carrera 6008 sunglasses.

Carrera Helmut Sunglasses Wonderland Magazine Brand Watch

Traditionally, helmets were reserved for BMX biker buffs and cult film nerds with bully-produced wedgies — so for street-wise, health obsessed, urban jungle aficionados, trekking the streets is as much a question of style as it is of health and safety.  Luckily Carrera, a brand steeped in luxury style and a history-rich racing background, gave us the Brand Buzz on its premium edition foldable helmet along with sibling shades.

While ‘helmet’ and ‘foldable’ sound recreational at best, the design behind this equipment is sleek and impressive. Acting with an accordion-like structure and modelled after the famed leather pistard helmet of RAF skits the world over, the helmet is breathable, comfortable and actually safe. In addition (oh, yes), Carrera launched the Carrera 6008 sunglasses to match the helmet, in shades of black and Havana, combining cool design and safety that bullies, cool kids and nerds can all finally agree on.

Available £123 for Carrera Helmet and £119 for Carrera 6008 Sunglasses at 00800 72345600 or www.carreraworld.com

Words: Elise Marraro (follow Elise on Twitter @PardonMe_Lissie)