

Skeletal synths, post-punk rhythms, and icy, melancholic vocals: Sizarr are the sound of the city, even if the trio grew up in the tiny village of Landau (population: 3000). Fresh out of school, they’ve already impressed European audiences at Melt and Berlin Festival. Wonderland grab a fresh remix of their breakout hit ‘Boarding Time’.

NEW NOISE:  Sizarr

Why the name Sizarr? Does it mean anything?

No it’s a made-up word. We didn’t want to have anything you associate something with right away. We also wanted something short that you remember easily. Germans think practically, you know!

How did you guys all meet?

We all grew up in the same tiny village so there was no escape from each other. We were all into music and P and Gora started hanging out and rapping when they were really young.

Do you think growing up there had any influence on your music at all?

Growing up in a small town made it possible for us to develop and work more freely. You start to do your own thing because there are no local scenes or bands you can be a part of and you also don’t get pushed into a certain direction because of that. So we were always influenced by stuff we found on the Internet or some of Daddy’s old records. The bad thing is that you barely get to see any concerts because they’re all far away.

You played festivals like Melt before you even graduated from school or being signed – how did that happen?

We were in the right place at the right time and met the right people (as cheesy as this sounds). Luck always plays a big role.

You guys are all pretty young – do you ever feel intimidated by performing?

Yes of course we do. But we think it’s not only a question of age. Whenever you present something you’ve created to people it’s something very personal you expose and that is always hard.

How do you get inspired?

By everything that touches us.

Boarding Time is an amazing song but the lyrics are very mysterious – what’s it about?

All in all it’s about what kind of face you show to everything which surrounds and how you deal with your troubles. Without giving an answer though! Maybe that will come on the next album.

Did you make a conscious choice to sing in English?

Not really. It came pretty natural because it fitted better to our music.

What, in your opinion, is the most perfect song in the world?

Hopefully it will never exist! We wouldn’t want to make music anymore then.

Who are you guys influenced by?

A lot of things. Mostly the Internet.

Do you have any dream collaborators?

Nickelback. Just for the lolz!

Where would you like to be ten years from now?

Stuck in the elevator to the moon that Google is planning.

What are you guys working on now?

An infamous live setup!

The Boarding Time EP is released on 19th August.

Words: Zing Tsjeng