
A. SAUVAGE's New London Store

A. Sauvage’s brand new store on London’s Maddox Street opened last week. Wonderland sat down with the man himself to discuss its luxe interior…

How did the launch party go on Friday?

The turn-out was impressive as well as the food and cocktails. By the end of the night, the party backed up into the street and carried on much later then the intended cut off time, which I feel was an indicator that nobody wanted to leave. So overall, it was a game-changer!

How has your first week of business gone?

The very first week, we are proud to say we doubled our weekly target. Thank you to all friends of the House and newcomers for their support.

What’s special about the new Maddox Street store? By the looks of it, it’s an art gallery-cum-retail store, showcasing a range of rustic furniture and ornaments…

Opening up a store, I was always interested in fusing art, fashion and furniture in a space they were no way disjointed by incorporating it into a house. The shanty hut installation was built off a memory from my last visit to Ghana where I shot the Black Volta portraits series, which is currently on sale amongst National Geographic collages from Nelson Crespo. Moving forward, the store will curate shows and support new and up-and-coming artists whilst building on the “dress easy” concept.

How long did it take to design? How closely were you involved in conceptualising the interior?

It really didn’t take long, as I was working with super-heroes, but a lot of decision changes in the general aesthetic was a constant battle in my head as I get very involved in everything I do. After I battled my inner demons and drove my girlfriend mad, I found a very quiet place with white walls and the shop was finished.

Besides designing, you are a critically lauded director. What are you currently working on? Any plans to make another film?

My next film is a collaboration I am working on with Dr Martens, due for release in June 2012. Stay Tuned.

Jack Mills