

The New York-based confessional, gritty alt-rock/pop outfit captures fresh reinvention on debut album.

As the musical project of Andy Selkōw, Middle Part has won over a devoted fanbase with its heartfelt lyrics and energetic musical compositions. Drawing from late ’90s and early 2000s influences, Middle Part creates a unique style of unconventional pop that nods to the era’s sound. The latest album, “Disruptor,” explores deep themes like depression, self-acceptance, and the struggles of growing older, taking listeners on an immersive auditory journey. Selkōw admits, “I’m so sensitive and hate to show it, but it just bleeds through all of my music,” a sentiment that reflects the personal and introspective nature of the album.

“Disruptor” revitalizes the familiar post-grunge and new millennium tones with innovative twists, setting a new course for the emerging bedroom-pop project. Selkōw describes the album as “a depiction of insanity,” hinting at the Sisyphean struggle against corporate-driven productivity and the pervasive sense of emotional emptiness. Throughout the album, Selkōw navigates heavy topics with a dynamic and melodious touch. In “Dial *,” he addresses depression, suicide, and isolation, while “Nowhere” reflects on a moment of ego death. It’s a testament to Middle Part’s artistic maturity that the music can delve into such intense themes without losing its melodic appeal and captivating energy.

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