

The model who walked away from university to take the industry by storm talks to us about walking for Burberry, TikTok and what’s next.

Growing up in Malaysia, Kit grew up removed from the modelling industry, but full of creativity. Studying drama and theatre, he grew confident on stage, in front of an audience, and on the screen. Learning to play characters and have fun without a fear of embarrassing himself translated directly into Kit’s current work on TikTok and in the public eye.

Now working internationally with the biggest fashion designers in the industry, Kit has truly created a name and space for himself in the field. Perhaps best known for his daring hair, which he shaved off as a commitment to himself and his career, or his hilarious TikToks and relatable content, he has built a global audience. Through his TikToks, Kit gets to explore the production and cinematography side of things, taking a step behind the camera and working his storytelling magic. Versatile and engaging, it is no surprise he has formed such a connection with his followers as well as with the fashion industry.

We talk to Kit about shaving his head, walking for Burberry, and his future goals.

Now for the interview…

Hi Kit! Where are you right now and how is your day going?
I’m currently at the Burberry headquarters so life could be worse I suppose, feeling very blessed as always.

Growing up, what was your perception of the modelling industry?
Well I grew up in Malaysia so I don’t feel like I was properly exposed to it until I came over to the UK a couple of years ago, but I definitely didn’t expect it to be as hectic as it is.

Did you always explore creative pursuits or when did you get into it?
Growing up I definitely took more of an interest in creative subjects. I studied drama throughout college and then briefly at university, but that has always been a passion of mine and something that I want to pursue in the near future.

What was your experience studying drama and how did it propel you into TikTok?
I think the biggest take away from studying drama was learning not to care about embarrassing myself or what people thought about me. Realising that I was just playing the role of a character and that it wasn’t a true reflection of who I am allowed me to have more fun with performing, and that’s essentially what I’m doing on TikTok. Then it was just a matter of transitioning from a stage to being behind a camera which just came down to practice and exposing myself to other creators.

When did you start creating on TikTok and how has your platform grown?
I’ve been on TikTok for almost a year and a half now. I started by posting relatable content, trends with my own twist on it, and then moved towards funnier talking videos where I would just waffle about anything and everything that came to my mind. Nowadays I try to put a bit more effort and production into my videos, often filming vlogs surrounding modelling or even just something cool happening in my life at the time. But regardless of the video, there’s always the goal of making it a fun and enjoyable watch.

What about modelling excited you when you first started?
There are lots of things that excited me about modelling. The travelling, the freedom, the people you meet, the opportunities you’re presented with, but I think the thing that stood out most to me was being on set.

How did changing your hair impact your mindset and career?
I think I’ve always been quite precious about my hair and shaving it off forced me to kind of trust the process a bit more. I treated it as that extra bit of commitment that I was able to show my bookers, while also putting a bit of pressure on myself which I quite liked because it felt like there was no turning back. Well I mean hair grows back but you get the point.

You’ve worked with some of the biggest designers. Were there any that you were particularly excited to work with?
My first Louis Vuitton Campaign was probably one that’ll stick with me for multiple reasons. Not only are they one of the biggest fashion houses in the world and a brand that I looked up to from a young age, but it was also straight off the back of some heavy rejection in Paris from every big designer you could think of. I was at quite a low point in my career, I had just dropped out of university and not really picked up any work. I gambled and went out to Paris with high expectations from myself and my agencies that I’d land some big work and my career would take off from there, and instead I came back with nothing but debt. So receiving that call a couple weeks later telling me that I was off to Budapest to shoot with Louis Vuitton was that reminder I needed to detach my emotions from this industry and never let the losses get to me. I vividly remember stepping in dog shit that day as I ran around the garden in excitement.

What was it like to close the Burberry FW23 show?
This was another milestone in my career that I’ll forever cherish. Being part of the show was such an honour as it is, and being able to close it was just the icing on the cake. I genuinely didn’t believe it, I was convinced they had made a mistake. I went around asking everyone if someone had two looks and would come out after me because I just refused to believe I was actually closing. It was also just such a fun and chaotic experience for everyone involved and we became a little family by the end of it which just made it all the better.

Where do you see your career going moving forward? Are there any other areas of industry you want to explore?
Honestly I want to explore it all. Model for every big designer, in as many different cities doing as many different styles of shoots as possible. We can only hope of course, but that’s always the goal. There’s no point in my career where I’ll think I’ve made it, I’ll just know I reckon. Then we can try and conquer the acting scene, but that’s a whole different beast.

Do you have a highlight thus far?
I’ve touched on some of them already but the whole journey has been a whirlwind experience. From traveling across Europe for shoots to walking shows with friends, it’s been a thoroughly exciting start to my career and I’m looking forward to watching the rest of it unfold.