

London’s first recycling shop opens its doors to a world of accessible sustainability, and eco-conscious practices.

Are you tired of feeling guilty about the amount of plastic waste you generate? Well, Are You Mad has a solution for you! This innovative space is not only a retail store, but also a plastic sorting facility and workshop where you can turn your own trash into treasure.

Located in the heart of London’s Berwick Street, Are You Mad is the first visible recycling shop in the city. They collect plastic waste from local businesses, shoppers, and their growing community, which is then sorted, cleaned, and turned into new objects, including furniture, art, and accessories. With over 100 different products available, prices start at just 50p and range up to £15,000.

That said, Are You Mad is not just about selling recycled products. They are a non-profit organization that partners with The GROW Foundation, a charity that works with schools and communities delivering bespoke programmes in sustainable food growing and outdoor learning. Are You Mad takes charitable donations for this project in store in exchange for retail products.

In addition, Are You Mad recently teamed up with Annie’s Ibiza to create a dress and two-piece made out of recycled plastic from her Carnaby store. The Paillette dress debuted in Annie’s first London Fashion Week show, and 10% of the sale of each dress is donated to Are You Mad, allowing them to continue educating London’s children about responsible recycling practices.

Are You Mad was created by Londoner James Suckling in 2022, and in just the last 6 months, the collective has regenerated 5 tonnes of plastic. But they’re not stopping there. In celebration of World Recycling Day on March 18th, Are You Mad is looking for plastic waste to be donated. So head to the experiment to recycle your waste, learn, or donate, and become a part of the solution.

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You can find the store at 96-97 Berwick Street, W1.