

All the best online reactions to the show’s penultimate episode, “The Bells”.

Game of Thrones Reactions twitter

Image c/o HBO

Game of Thrones Reactions twitter
Image c/o HBO


So, here we are. Our beloved Game of Thrones is set to end next week, and boy have we been put through the ringer. There had been whispers of the last couple of seasons being rushed, of things happening too quickly, of the writers callously ruining the character arcs that they had worked so meticulously to build over the last decade or so.

Season 8, episode 5 – or “The Bells” as it was named – was the culmination of such suspicions. In what was perhaps one of the most anticlimactic of the show’s penultimate episodes, which have a history of being the best (think “Red Wedding” and “Blackwater” vibes), we saw Dany ‘fulfill’ her recent inclinations towards genetic insanity, finishing off what her father had started by saying “dracarys” to King’s Landing, and all the innocents within it. Cersei – perhaps one of the most deliciously wicked villains in TV history – died a romantic, Romeo and Juliet-style death, the scene somewhat redeemed by Lena Heady’s commendable acting but still seeming out of key with her development. ‘Cleganebowl’ happened which was cool (I guess? Qyburn’s death was pretty jokes…), Arya didn’t kill anyone (though you can bet your bottom dollar she’s coming for green-eyed Dany in the finale) and Jon… well, Jon was Jon.

Anyway, the one comfort we can take from all of this is the trusty hilarity of Twitter post-eposide. You don’t want to disappoint GOT stans and, when you do… well, see below.