

Meet the LA babies making hardcore rock n roll, The Regrettes.

Channelling the IDGAF vibes of Courtney Love in our dream girly grunge band Hole, The Regrettes are four LA kids (the frontwoman is 16-year-old Lydia Night) bringing back the meaning of outspoken, attitude-charged punk rock. They’re as cool as we like to imagine our 16-year-old selves being, the only difference being that they actually are that cool. Pumped full of hectic, chaotic rhythms and guitar riffs that are the sonic equivalent to barbed wire, The Regrettes’ music is charged with attitude and ideas surrounding social constructs: their political standings aren’t to be questioned. They’ve got opinions, and they sing them LOUD.

Sounding like a cross between Tacocat and The Distillers, The Regrettes’ explore everything around being young in today’s almost dystopian world. Frustrating relationships? Check. Razor burns from shaving? Check. Their motown-inspired punk rock is the perfect antidote to the glitz and shimmer of LA – The Regrettes are raw, powerful and completely unafraid.

We chatted political activism, meeting Foals and the LA scene with Lydia and Sage.

How did you form The Regrettes, and where does the name come from?

Lydia: The name was just a random thought actually. We all met at School of Rock about 6 years ago.

Sage: In January 2016 we really decided that playing together would be a great experience.

Sum up your sound in five words?

L: Raw, fun, honest, new, and real.

S: Motown inspired vulnerable punk rock

Why do you think it’s important to be politically active?

L: Because being informed is something that gives us power as people. Always learning and educating yourself is key to growing as a human.

S: Its important to care what is influencing your life and the lives’ of people around you. Its important to give a fuck about what will make an impact on your day-to-day life. Being vocal about it is just one step closer to getting what you want and need.

Why do you think music is a good platform for spreading ideas and commenting on political and social issues?

L: Because that’s what art is. Art is the freedom to express oneself in different forms.

S: Everyone listens to music and art makes tense subjects all the more enjoyable. Simple.

Tell us about your album? What themes do you explore and who did you work with?

L: We worked with Mike Elizondo to make this album. He’s the best. The album covers a large spectrum of different emotions and in my opinion, is super relatable for various groups of people.

S: Its a fun mix of emotions and catchy themes. Its a great album to sit down with and scream along to when you’re feeling like an emotional wreck. I personally love listening to this album when I’m anxious on my way to a first date or if Im feeling weak and useless. We recorded this album live to tape at Can Am studios with Mike Elizondo

“When shit starts to get bad, just like right now, art begins to thrive and people’s voices get louder.”

How does the LA scene influence your sound?

L: Growing up in LA inspires our sound because it inspires the way we write music. I’m sure if we lived somewhere else, our sound would be different.

S: I think just generally listening to a lot of the music coming out of LA inspires us without really trying. Every little piece of art that you’ve exposed yourself to finds a way out in your work.

What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened to you as a band so far?

L: Probably getting signed. Or meeting Foals haha.

S: Probably touring with Sleigh Bells, which we just got back from. Sleigh Bells was such an influence on me as a teen. They got me through high school.

Why do you think so many young people are actively involved in politics and social issues?

L: Because it affects us and it affects our future. It’s so important to know what’s happening in the world around us so we can try and make change.

S: Because we are all told at such a young age that we are the generation to change the world. We have to make our legacy come true.

What artists from the punk era inspire you?

L: I love The Ramones. They were my first favourite band and will always have a special place in my heart.

S: I had a huge crush on Billy Joe Armstrong growing up. Green Day was the only thing to get me through my days from 8 y/o until even now. I’ll forever love Green Day.

Why do you think the DIY/punk/politically charged spirit is making a comeback?

L: Because our world really needs it. When shit starts to get bad, just like right now, art begins to thrive and people’s voices get louder.

S: Every generation is on rotation. Clothes, music, art, politics; it’s all on a rotation through every era.

What are your favourite inspiring books?  

L: I’m actually not a big reader but my all time favourite book is The Little Prince.

S: I read mainly of sci-fi and magical/mystical books so the theme tends to be perseverance in a world you might not belong in or a world that might be tougher than you though.

What’s next?

L: Hopefully lots of shows!! We wanna play everywhere and for everyone!

S: More music, more tours, more albums!