
Model Behaviour: Kelsey

Thalea MV and Ellie McLean introduce us to Ozzy dreamboat, Kelsey Martinovich.

Can you tell us about how you got scouted?

I was on Australia’s Next top Model in 2010, that’s basically where it all began.

What have you been up to since you got scouted?

Well a lot has happened since 2010… But mainly I have travelled around for work and play and have just settled in to Melbourne for now.

What’s your favourite thing that you’ve worn on a shoot or in a show that you wish was yours?

Knee high snake skin Prada boots.

Who would be your dream photographer to work with? Or your dream designer to walk for?

Juergen Teller and Celine

What do you do when you’re not modelling?

Painting and Gardening.

What’s been your favourite moment as a model so far?

Shooting in Sicily was a highlight.

Which city would you love to live in?


Do you prefer shoots or shows?


Who’s your favourite female model and who is your favourite male model?

Daria Werbowy. I don’t have a favourite male model.

All clothing by BASE RANGE, boots by CHLOE.

All clothing by BASE RANGE, boots by CHLOE.
Ellie McLean
Kelsey Martinovich
Thalea MV
Stylist Assistant
Ruby McLean