

Sibling can dress you for in the ring or on the streets this season.

‘So ya wanna be a boxer?’

Sibling turn their heads from American Football and Punk Schoolboys, to this season’s hyper-realised theme: boxing! Sid Bryan and Cozette McCreery managed to make the unrelentingly masc world of punching people to win money into a classically on brand camp-fest. And, of course, it was joyous. Rippling bodies were draped in gigantic knitted boxing robes: details in bright blues, reds and neon yellows whirled around the garments in a kind of melting leopard print. Medals swung from the edges of lapels, robes and blankets, and the champs prowled around the showspace showing off their winners’ belts. But perhaps the knit Boxing gloves, which we pray will go on sale somewhere, are the next big thing in the world of the Winter glove? Here’s hoping.

Behind the Candelabra

Yet beneath all of the smoke and mirrors Sibling are rightfully celebrated for, the design duo still manage to make sellable, wearable pieces. From the more statement, chunky knit red robe — with a giant crown on the back — to the leopard print denim jackets, the zig-zag printed pea coats which were felt-y and not knitt-y, and jogging trousers: some simply black with neon piping, there is method to the brand’s wonderful madness. Because of the variability in the looks — from massive to minimal — Sibling in fact have an appeal much beyond a brand that sticks to, say, a 50s worker aesthetic simply because there’s more options.

Mad Skillz

There’s so much skill in the London, and global, design and construction world. To create a pattern for a simple T-Shirt would be a completely baffling task to the average Jo. Yet Bryan and Mcreery manage to all of this with knit? Not simply the overall structure of the garment, but the way patterns that are knitted into the pieces — with not a single pearl or knit out of place — appear as complex prints across all of the garments is a feat to be commended. Yet again Sibling is a highlight: in skill, in design, in theme and in casting. I might be biased, but bravo!

Thurstan Redding
Tom Rasmussen