

Drizzy dropped the uh-mazing video for his “Hotline Bling” hit via Apple Music yesterday and it’s pure dad-dancing at its finest.

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We’ve been waiting for what feels like an age for a video to “Hotline Bling”, but man, was it worth it. Drake’s been subject to a lot of criticism in the past even though he’s one of the biggest artists in the world, the guy has a lot of emotions, apparently that’s not really cool for a rapper. It’s nice to see the man enjoying himself for once!

In this bling-free, tear-free five minute clip, Drizzy gets down in a blank room, backed by little more than some colour changing lights and some nice girls who can throw shapes considerably better than him. Drake dances his little heart away with some exceptional facial expressions that we’ll now be mirroring every time this song is played. We’ve compiled seven of the best to show every side to this multi-faceted rap aficionado. We started on a Snow White and the Seven Dwarves vibe but things just started to unravel…

Sleepy Drake

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Drake having a nap is pretty cute, the fact he’s using someone else as his pillow is questionable. After all that dancing he deserves a rest, he’s had a real workout. In fact the “Hotline Bling” workout edition should definitely be a thing.

Sneezy Drake

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Bless you Drake, in everything you do. Look at that gracefully placed hand, Drake’s not a stereotypical rapper, that’s no thug, he’s wearing a roll neck! A gent if we ever saw one.

Talk to the hand Drake

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Drake doesn’t want to hear what you have to say here. You got Drake down, you got Drake stressed out and he just hasn’t got the time for it. He can’t even look you in the eye any more.

Side-eye Drake

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In his head, Drizzy’s saying, “guuuuurl,” before he completes a diss with eye-roll and tuts at you. This one look epitomises the entire song’s lyrics, “Ever since I left the city, you started wearing less and goin’ out more, glasses of champagne out on the dance floor, hangin’ with some girls I’ve never seen before.” He ain’t impressed. “You got exactly what you asked for,” he whispers before flouncing off.

One too many Drake

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You probably haven’t realised but you pull this face when you’re dancing too, usually drunk. We all have a Drake face, it’s like bass face but better. Can you pop your hips like that? We certainly think we can after a drink or two.

Backache Drake

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This is the best dad-dancing part. The kinda face your dad would make when he’s put too much gusto into his rendition of the “Cha Cha Slide” after one too many pints. Your stomach drops for a split-second when you wonder if he’ll ever get upright again, but before you have long enough to fret, he’s bouncing all over the place again like a Duracell Bunny.

Professor Drake

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Sit down, because you’re about to get schooled. Drizzy’s the guy who taught us you can love rap and be emotional (we’ll be forever grateful) and now he’s provided you with a step by step – quite literally – guide to throwing the best shapes ever seen. You can thank him now.

We love you Drake, keep dancing.

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