

The Age of Live Under No Authority are barely out of school but they’re ready to drop their debut mixtape and live by their namesake.


The four members of The Age of L.U.N.A are younger than you and they’re about to be far more successful. We’re not being rude. Give “Boom”, their second track from their forthcoming mixtape a listen and you’ll understand. With an average age of just 19 and the youngest member, producer NK – OK is only 16, they’re certainly at the start of their careers but they’ve still got their peers in mind, rapper Kyote explains their choice of name, saying, “We wanted to create something that would move the generation.”

Opening with distorted voices and glitchy electronic sounds, the track begins as if you’ve walked into an arcade where all the buttons are being pressed simultaneously and by the time you’re halfway through, rappers Butch and Kyote are already preaching their names to the listeners like any seasoned speaker. Look out for their limited release 10″ of the single “Memory Lane” and catch them on their school tour (adorable) from now until the end of the month. Their official launch is at Notting Hill Arts Club 4th August.


Follow The Age of L.U.N.A on Twitter here. Their mixtape, ‘Live Under No Authority’ is available from 27th July here.