

From Paris Hilton’s pal to bonafide businesswoman, today Kim Kardashian releases her bound book of selfies: Selfish.Selfish_cover

Vanity is a sin, but we’ll forgive Kim Kardashian. Love or loathe the reality star, has there been a rise as stratospheric as Kim’s in recent years? Selfish, her bound book of selfies, argues not. A documentation of pouting a la perfection, the hardback shows Kim’s evolution from Paris Hilton’s pal to bonafide businesswoman.

Over 400 glossy pages spanning nine years, complete with comments from Kim and a healthy peppering of hashtags, it might not end up on the shelf next to classic literature on its May release, but we’ll sure as hell enjoy it for what it is. I mean, who better to learn selfie-dom from than the Queen? Don’t get disheartened if you can’t master it straight away: there’s the good, the bad and the (almost) ugly in Selfish, just to remind you that Kim K’s human, after all.

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Words: Lily Walker