

From glitter-clad grannies on an acid trip to re-imagined Elizabethan warriors, we chart some of CSM BA14’s most captivating looks

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Tuesday evening saw forty Central Saint Martins BA Fashion students present their final graduate collections to the world. Renowned for true innovation and nurturing the most boundary-breaking of designers, this year’s show was dedicated to the memory of Professor Louise Wilson OBE.

As expected, the standard was impeccable across the board from Ashley Kang’s glitter-clad-grannies on an acid trip, to Ashley Chen’s pastel-patchwork plastered geisha’s and Harry Evans’ structurally enhanced Elizabethan warriors. We saw intricate weaving, structured quilting, re-modeled ‘Pharrell’ hats, Chanel inspired boucle, embellished plumes and over-sized nude neoprene body structures – proving that as always, innovation is key.

Here we take a closer look at fifteen of the most captivating looks:

Designer: Andrew Sauceda CSM BA14

Designer: Andrew Sauceda

Designer: Charlotte Tydeman CSM BA14

Designer: Charlotte Tydeman

Designer: Richard Quinn CSM BA 14

Designer: Richard Quinn


Designer: Michael Griffin

Designer: Daisy Collingridge CSM BA14

Designer: Daisy Collingridge

Designer: Fiona O'Neill CSM BA14

Designer: Fiona O’Neill 

Designer: Frances Knee CSM BA14

Designer: Frances Knee

Designer: Harry Evans CSM BA14

Designer: Harry Evans 

Designer: Kiko Kostadinov CSM BA14

Designer: Kiko Kostadinov

Designer: Angel Chen CSM BA14

Designer: Angel Chen 

Designer: Ayaka Sakurai CSM BA14

Designer: Ayaka Sakurai

Designer: Ashley Kang CSM BA14

Designer: Ashley Kang 

Designer: Richard Malone CSM BA 14

Designer: Richard Malone

Designer: Olga Kuryschuk CSM BA 14

Designer: Olga Kuryschuk

Designer: Jackie Hong CSM BA 14

Designer: Jackie Hong 

Images via: Catwalking.com