

We met up with Sophie Kennedy-Clark, aka B-girl in Lars Von Trier’s erotic movie ‘Nymphomaniac’.





WONDERLAND: Hi Sophie! What is the oldest article of clothing you own?

SOPHIE KENNEDY-CLARK: Hell, I could have a stall or five at Portobello market with the amount of vintage clothing that I have collected over the years from around the globe! Alas, the piece I cherish the most is actually a tartan flannel shirt of my mother’s from the ’70s. She always smiles when she sees me in it and that usually prompts a story or two from days gone by when she wore it. I like that.

What is the worst job you’ve had in a non-acting context?

My father is always threatening to get me working in his fish factory, which gives me enough drive to keep this acting malarky afloat. I once worked in a vintage shop which was pretty disastorous – I got WAY too attached to certain items, was constantly playing dress up and my shop floor manner had little to be desired when met with the rudeness of some customers. 

What favourite song this week ?

Dream a little dream by Mam Cass.

If you had to pick one way to travel for the rest of your life, and you were unable to use any other form of travel, what’d you pick?

Trains, a big ol’ fashioned steam train…and I would like to drive it too please. Hold on – does this bind me to one continent? If so I change my answer to magic train for international purposes – you understand.


What is your favourite movie?

It would be a toss up between Easy Rider, Annie Hall, Carry on up the Kyber and Happy Gilmore.


What is the last dream you had?

I have a dastardly recurring nightmare. I’m standing in front of a stair case and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to climb them. I just can’t remember how to climb stairs I’VE FORGOTTEN and it’s so simple!?! I stare at them frustrated and anxious. Sometimes I’m being chased and in the dream this happens and it’s horrible. Or at least it could be but I usually wake up at the point of capture. I know…I’m a therapist’s field day.




Last great film you saw in theatres that blew you away?

Another Earth. I saw it a while ago and I’ve seen other films since but that one REALLY blew me away…oh my God the end….stop reading this interview and go and watch it immediately.


 What do you think is the most overrated book or film of all time?

Of all time….err that’s a big ask…people rate things for their own reasons so I’m not bold enough to pass judgment.


What is your worst type of food?

I will eat nothing on a plate where there are mushrooms lurking – and mushrooms really lurk. Whats worse is I’m veggie – and folk love to throw a handful of the little rotters into veggie dishes.


What is the worst tourist activity you’ve ever experienced?

I don’t like being on boats – specifically at sea so any sea boating activities go down like a lead balloon in my book. Having said that I wasn’t too averse to the odd Gondola this year at the Venice Film Festival.



Sophie wears velvet top by Rochas and silk pyjamas by Eres. 

Photography by Jessie Craig

Styling by Francesca Turner

Fashion Assistance by Giulia Oddi

Hair by Noriko Takayama at Untitled Artists London using TIGI

Make-up by Natsumi Narita at Untitled Artists London using MAC

Nails by Ami Streets at LMC Worldwide using The New Black

Productiob by Seona Taylor-Bell

Words by Paul Craig