

Arvida Bystrom is an artist, photographer, model, cyber sensation and all round Swedish babe. 

We caught up with Arvida to talk about photography and her new gallery GAL. The Meadham Kirchhoff muse also took a series of Selfies exclusively for Wonderland. We love you Arvida.


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WONDERLAND: Hi Arvida, so tell me about where you are from and where you grew up?
Arvida: I’m from 20 min of Stockholm. That’s where i grew up simply.

How old are you?
Oh, 22.

When did you move to London and why?
I moved one year ago, mainly because of how crazy hard it is to find a place to live in Stockholm so I still lived with my parents.

What have you been working on since moving to London?
Loads of things. It’s weird how a city can change so much. I’ve been doing more photography then I intended to, I did a shoot for Monki (ironically a swedish bradn, ofc people pick me up when I moved!) and for different magazines etc. Been modelling a bit as well etc. Now I’m having a gallery with my friend Hanna though! That’s like REALLY exiting! I hope to do a book next year as well. We’ll see.

When did you start taking pictures and why?
Like kinda, 10 – 16. Hard to say exactly when. I guess I did it because it was easy and trendy. I used to paint more before I got in to photography. And you know, you’re a pre teen, early teen, mid teen and you want to know the truth about how the world sees you, so I did loads of selfies. Now I don’t try to find any truth though.

Who is your favourite photographer?

What is your favourite photograph of all time?
That def changes. I like my friends photos The Young Girl And The Selfie by Maja Malou Lyse. Like it’s a nice series and so fun to like follow a project a little bit like that. And well, there are many amazing photographers in tumblr, so many internet friends and friends of friends etc. Love to all you.

What inspires the pictures you take?
Well it depends. But I feel I have to get some new input. I kind of recently hit a wall. Or maybe slowly walking in to one? I got literally blown away when I first started using tumblr and when I scroll back looking at my old stuff I still get that overwhelming feeling I felt before. Like your world is changing. I guess I want to get that feeling again.

How would you describe your style of photography?

You recently did an exhibition of Selfies at your gallery space GAL and you model yourself in lots of the pictures you take, why do you like taking pictures of yourself?
Who said I do like it? Hahaha no matter what I guess I do take them. Idk. I hate it and love it. It’s easy to work with my self. And the history of it, being a teen and that stuff that I mentioned before. I’m totally confused about it though.

Your work is quite girly, would you say you are a girly girl?
I like aesthetics tied to girly coded stuff. I got that from growing up and it still really appeals to me.

If so describe your perfect gals night?
I guess my perfect gal’s night would either or be food and a movie or like, a queer party with cute girls and boys and anything in between.

Whats your favourite movie?
I like the century about the self which isnt even a movie but a series from BBC early 2000. I’m a bit out of touch with movies atm. I used to like Persepolis which I think I’d still enjoy. Perona is nice too.

Whos your favourite gal of all time?
Mine and Hanna’s GALlery, GAL. Heh.

Can you tell me abit more about GAL?
It’s a space I have with Hanna Antonsson. We curate nights once in a while. Everyones really welcome. It has a pink floor and is really pretty!

What future projects do you have coming up?
I hope to make a book next year but future will tell. Hopefully calmly working hard with that and not having too much other things occupying my mind.


Photography by Arvida Bystrom

All clothing by Meadham Kirchhoff